People (old)

Current team

magnuson Jim Magnuson, principal investigator
Spoken language processing, developmental and acquired language disorders, computational models
johns Alexis Johns, PhD student (Co-advised by Emily Myers)
Spoken word recognition; how experience and expectations affect language comprehension; age-related sensory and cognitive decline
monica_li Monica Li, PhD student
Music and language; dyslexia
eeg_cartoon_smaller Lucy MacNaught, undergraduate research assistant
Computational modeling of semantics
agata_cropped Agata Harabasz, undergraduate research assistant
Agata is a third year undergraduate double majoring in biological sciences and Psychology with a minor in Human Rights. Her interests include language acquisition, learning, neurobiology and development. She is implementing an fMRI study of prosody in Specific Language Impairment.
lizzie_collin Lizzie Collin, undergraduate research assistant
Spoken word recognition; bilingualism
eeg_cartoon_smaller Savanna Smith, undergraduate research assistant
Computational modeling of semantics

Lab alumni

kornilov2015 Sergey KornilovPostdoctoral researcher, Yale Child Study Center Grigorenko Lab, St. Petersburg University
CCNLL PhD student, 2009-2014
Shaw Ashlee Shaw, Postdoctoral researcher, Rutgers U.
CCNLL PhD student, 2008-2014
Shin-YiBWResize Shin-Yi FangPostdoctoral researcher, Penn State
CCNLL PhD student, 2006-2011
Navin ViswanathanAssistant Professor, SUNY New Paltz
CCNLL PhD student (co-advised by Carol Fowler), 2005-2009
mirman_dan Dan MirmanAssistant Professor, Drexel University
CCNLL Postdoc, 2005-2008
harris Harlan Harris, Data Scientist, Education Advisory Board
CCNLL Postdoc, 2002-2005